I have in my possession a vasty pile of ARCs that have come my way through various secret channels. Individuals have
Here are the details.
You must answer a question related to one of the books I am giving away. For this giveaway, that question shall be: "If you were in the circus, what would your role be?" Post your silly, lyrical, or offensive reply in the comments. If there is an ARC title (listed below) that you desperately want, feel free to let me know.
I will package up all your replies and send them in a sack by eagle to Prague, where a wizened watchmaker I know from my days as an international spy/assasin will choose the winners and send them back to my via fast mail ship, sewn into the belly of a salted haddock. (Damn, that wasn't written right; ships don't fit inside haddocks! I meant to say "send them back, sewn into the belly of a salted haddock, via fast mail ship.")
One or more winners may be chosen. The exact number of winners is completely arbitrary and depend on how much postage I have at my disposal. If you win, I will contact you and you will send me your mailing address. Yes, you will! (Make sure I know how to contact you via your blog or an email address.)
If you spread the word via Tweets and such, you will get SUPER BONUS POINTS. Make sure to let me know so you can greedily claim your points.
You've gotta be a follower of "The Party Pony" blog to qualify. Otherwise, how are you going to know about future giveaways like this? There may be many such giveaways, because I have a black market flow of ARCs from my friends in the underworld. Just imagine your bookshelves: brimming, overflowing with treasures, toppling over and crushing your pet cats.
All of today's ARCs are YA/Middle Grade. Here is the list:
Circus Galacticus, By Deva Fagan (Pub date: November 14, 2011)

Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf, By Curtis Jobling (Pub date: September 20, 2011)
The Inquisitor's Apprentice, By Chris Moriarty (Pub date: 10/2011)
Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, By Katy Towell (Pub date: August 23, 2011)
Wisdom's Kiss, By Catherine Gilbert Murdock (Pub date: 9/2011)
The Undrowned Child, By Michelle Lovric (Pub date: 8/2011)

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